
The kernel of our spirituality is our life in the Holy Trinity which we experience and deepen mainly in the celebration of the Eucharistic Mystery and in loving communion with the Christ present in the Blessed Sacrament. In the Holy Qurbana, which is the main source of our spiritual life, we experience the love of God the Father, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. By contemplating and actualising in our life what we celebrate, we imbibe all the more the mysteries of Christ and are conformed to His image. The joy resulting from the Abba experience, the gratitude for the gift of divine sonship and Pentecostal experience transforms our whole life into an incessant Eucharist, a living liturgy worship of the Father in Spirit and truth.
This transcendental experience enables us to live the life of a pilgrim with eschatological expectation and supernatural world vision. The inner disposition that takes in us compels us to bring all men to the fellowship of divine fatherhood and universal brotherhood where we call together God, Abba, “Our Father.”


Our Motto:

To Be With Him and To Be Broken This motto calls us to be devotees and missionaries of the Eucharist. Hence we opt for a blend of Prayer Life and Mission Life.

Our Motto

Our Community Life: In the Eucharist, We Become One

The Eucharist is the Sacrament of Love, symbol of Communion and Covenant of Charity. Sacrificing autonomy, attachments and possessions we freely choose the vows of Obedience, Poverty and Chastity for the sake of the Kingdom of God.

Our Community Life: In the Eucharist, We Become One

Our Formation: To Grow in every way into Him

The Eucharistic Missionary Vocation we have received is a gift of God to experience the intimacy of the Eucharistic Lord (Jn 13, 25) and to proclaim and bear witness to what we have heard, seen and touched (1Jn 1,1)

Our Formation